
RenderNow Logo Alpha Cropped

Upload Your Project

Choose your software from the list below and follow the instructions to begin.


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What Happens Next?

Once you have selected the software and followed the steps to upload your project above ^ , here's what happens:

  • 1. Your files are uploaded to our system.
  • 2. A render wrangler is assigned to your project to check for any issues or errors.
  • 3. We run tests on the file to generate test frames and cost options (High Priority, Medium Priority, or Low Priority).
  • 4. You will receive an email with a quote and sample test frames for review.
  • 5. Once you approve the test frames and cost, we proceed with rendering your files.

While rendering, we send an invoice with payment options:

  • PayPal
  • Bank Transfer
  • Credit/Debit Card Payment Link

Once rendering is complete and payment is processed, we provide the download link for your rendered project.

Credit Bundles

If you plan to render multiple projects over time, consider our credit bundles for savings:

Bundle 1: Pay £250 (+VAT) → Get £262.50 worth of credits (+5%)
Bundle 2: Pay £700 (+VAT) → Get £770 worth of credits (+10%)
Bundle 3: Pay £1,800 (+VAT) → Get £2,070 worth of credits (+15%)
Bundle 4: Pay £3,500 (+VAT) → Get £4,200 worth of credits (+20%)
Bundle 5: Pay £7,000 (+VAT) → Get £9,100 worth of credits (+30%)
Bundle 6: Pay £18,000 (+VAT) → Get £25,200 worth of credits (+40%)