Marxist Manifesto or Animation Contest? – Animate OPEN Calls for Submissions

– The third Animate OPEN international call for submissions is currently accepting entries.
– This year’s theme, ‘All that is solid’, is inspired by a quote from the Communist Manifesto: ‘All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and [people are] at last compelled to face with sober senses, [their] real conditions of life.’
– The news of the call for entries was first reported on Skwigly Animation Magazine.

Marxist Manifesto or Animation Contest?

Third Animate OPEN Calls for Submissions

Reflections on life’s real conditions rendered into 3D animation. This year’s Animate OPEN dares you to dive into the deep end of existential contemplation and swim back with a Pixar-worthy 3D animation. And what’s our grand theme? Well, in a move that might raise an eyebrow or two, we’ve looked to an old but gold source of inspiration – the fiery prose of the Communist Manifesto.

“All that is solid” – A symbol of hope… or despair?

And what does this relate to the animation world? Only time will tell. Designers and animators alike will be pondering this quote as they sketch, render, and perfect their submissions.

In my “hot take”, I’m loving the audacity of this theme. They’re giving “solid” a whole new layer of meaning and merging 19th century politics with 21st century animation. Strokes of genius or utter insanity? Whatever it is, it’s got me at the edge of my popcorn-filled seat, waiting for the result that is bound to be, at the very least, incredibly interesting. So here’s to Animate OPEN – may their third iteration be as groundbreaking as a communist revolution…in a super-duper animated, friendly, and non-destructive kind of way, of course!

Inviting applications worldwide for the third Animate OPEN now!

Derived from the Communist Manifesto, the theme: All that is solid implies: All that is solid dissipates into air, all sacred is disrespected, forcing humans to confront, in all sobriety, the authentic circumstances of their existence.

The Animate OPEN is striving to celebrate, invert and defy the conventional perceptions of animation. It seeks to merge different creative methods, all linked by their exploration of animation – regarded as both a modern art and a craft. The project is on the lookout for animation artists who experiment with form and technique. The event is organized by Animate Projects, a Derby-based agency that supports innovative attempts in animation. The show will run in the QUAD Gallery, Derby, in February 2025.

Artists chosen will be paid a fee of £300 GBP. Furthermore, there are Jury and Audience awards worth £1000 GBP. Submissions will be accepted until October 16, 2024.

For more details and to submit your application, visit

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