Mastering Animation Promotion

Your Film’s Popular Journey: Festivals, Forums, and Some Prudent Advice

– The talk in the series is designed to equip animators on how to showcase their personal brand and their film effectively.
– The aim is to provide insights on how to leave an indelible impression amidst the sea of talent.
– Key strategies revolving around festival participation are up for discussion in detail.
– Other promotional plans will be elucidated through interactive Q&A sessions.
– The enlightening series of lectures will last approximately 75 minutes and will occur bi-weekly on Wednesdays (4pm UK time / 6pm).

The Key Towards Animation Excellence: UK/UA Animation Lab Lecture

Putting Yourself and Your Film on the Animation Map

Truth be told, standing out in the animation industry is akin to being a popping penguin in a waddle of waddlers: tricky, but not impossible! The final talk in the series promises to be the film promoting Picasso you all need: A guide to assembling your “animation portfolio”, a peep into festival strategies, and a bunch of other promotional hacks up its sleeve, prepared by the all-knowing Britt Raes. This is a golden ticket to ensure your potential animated hit doesn’t just go ‘poof’ in the ether! The talks are timing-friendly for both tea-addicted Brits and our dinner-rushing mates elsewhere.

Skwigly Magazine’s UK/UA Animation Lab Lecture, Putting Film Promotion Right into Focus

Here’s my hot take- Who knew the art of film promotion could be all jazzed up into 75-minute know-all sessions? But again, we’re talking about the animation industry here. Picturing a cartoonish professor detailing tips on surviving amidst creative sharks, two Wednesdays a month? It’s humor, information, and ‘animated innovation’ all rolled into one. And with Britt Raes leading the charge, let’s just say, it’s no ‘Mickey Mouse’ business! Just remember, the trick is not just to create a great movie but make sure it doesn’t meet the tragic fate of a tree falling in the woods with no one to hear the sound. So, gear up all you animators, time to morph in the film promotion superheroes you were always meant to be!

Our concluding talk in this series will delve into effective ways to showcase your personal brand and film, setting yourself apart, strategizing for festivals, and other self-promotion tips.

Providing you with an in-depth understanding of the industry’s workings, pitches, self-promotion, and more, these engaging lessons will last roughly 75 minutes each and include a Q&A session. They are scheduled for every other Wednesday afternoon (4pm UK time / 6pm Kyiv time).


We’ll be broadcasting all lectures on the LINOLEUM YouTube channel at the below-listed timings. Stay tuned to our social media channels for the re-posting of video links before each lecture!

Here are other talks in the series:

  • Delving into Animation Production Pipeline (3D and 2D Projects) with Simone Giampaolo – 4th Sep, 4pm (UK time) / 6pm (Kyiv time)
  • Mastering Animation Pitch Deck & Presentation with Fokion Xenos – 18th Sep, 4pm (UK time) / 6pm (Kyiv time)
  • Exploring Animation Budgets: Key Considerations & Practices for TV Series & Short Film Budgets with Helen Brunsdon – 2nd Oct, 4pm (UK time) / 6pm (Kyiv time)
  • Funding Prospects & Co-Productions – Insights by Olivier Catherin – 9th Oct, 4pm (UK time) / 6pm (Kyiv time)
  • Team Dynamics, Their Roles & Obligations – Insights by Kasia Gromadzka – 30th Oct, 4pm (UK time) / 6pm (Kyiv time)
  • Promoting Your Film at Festivals & Forums – Tips by Britt Raes – 6th Nov, 4pm (UK time) / 6pm (Kyiv time

This presentation series, UK/UA Animation Lab, is made possible by the financial contributions of the UK/UA Creative Partnerships programme by the British Council and the Ukrainian Institute. The UK/UA Creative Partnerships programme seeks to strengthen existing collaborations between UK and Ukrainian cultural organisations, stemming from or parallel to the UK/Ukraine Cultural Season 2022-2023.

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