Planet Pussy Willow Episode Review: “It’s Not My Job” – Ghosts, Exes, and Feminist Humor

“It’s Not My Job” – Planet Pussy Willow Releases New Politically Incorrect Episode Full of Ghosts and Exes

– Planet Pussy Willow, the award-winning, adult animation web series, has released a new episode titled “It’s Not My Job”.
– The series, known for its blend of satirical, politically incorrect, and feminist humor, takes us through the trials and tribulations of its protagonist, Dani.
– Dani faces a plethora of challenges throughout the episode, the highlight being having to traverse the “corridor of forgotten dreams” and face the “ghosts of ex’s” just to process a simple form.
– The episode is a beautifully woven tapestry of animation, comedy, and the supernatural; expanding the boundaries and redefining the norms of 3D animation.

Hot Take

In the ever-spooky realm of animation, the latest episode of Planet Pussy Willow, “It’s Not My Job,” will surely have you clutching your sides (from laughter, not fear, although, with the ghosts of exes involved, it could be both!). And, let me tell you, CGI has never been this funny. I mean, who knew paperwork could be a fright fest? Dani juggles exes, paperwork, forgotten dreams, and still manages to nail the punchline every time. It appears there’s no topic too heavy or hallway too haunted for the brilliant minds behind this feminist sci-fi series. Quite literally, a laugh in the face of adversity. We might be dealing with the animated world here, but heck, some days, don’t we all feel like we’re running through corridors of forgotten dreams pursued by our past? Might as well have a laugh while doing it! So put on your 3D glasses, folks, because with this episode, you’re not only getting a peek into the future of animated storytelling but also, probably a sitcom-style flashback of your own life.

Join Dani as she navigates hidden challenges – including the passage of forgotten dreams and specters of past relationships – just to get a form processed. Experience the newest episode of Planet Pussy Willow, a feminist sci-fi extension of the award-winning comedy adult animation web series, Tales From Pussy Willow. Follow @planetpwillow on Instagram and watch previous episodes at

What Inspired This?

Dani’s humour was largely influenced by comedy giants like Smack the Pony and The Fast Show, as well as the unique world-views portrayed in shows like the Mighty Boosh and Portlandia. The episode reflects the world through a female lens, with a sprinkle of absurdity.

The Making of The Episode…

This episode highlights Dani’s journey as they face multiple absurd challenges, akin to a white unicorn ride or a trip to the earth’s core. It’s a take on the ludicrousness of bureaucracy, as well as the struggles faced by disabled or neurodivergent individuals in everyday tasks. Learn more about the premise of the episode on our Instagram page:

The Production Process…

The episode comes to life with a day of green screen filming, where the actors, wearing green swim caps, are shot and then composited into animated hairstyles, characters and worlds. I use key masking and compositing techniques to merge reality with animation.

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